Spinal stenosis is typically diagnosed with an MRI of the spine. If more testing is indicated, you’ll likely be sent to a neurologist. Your doctor also may order an electrical test of the nerves and muscles. This includes tests to check your glucose, vitamin B-12 level, kidney function (even mild renal insufficiency can, over time, cause peripheral neuropathy due to the buildup of toxins in the blood) and certain proteins in your blood (to look for bone marrow cancer, which can cause neuropathy). If peripheral neuropathy is suspected, blood work will be ordered to help identify the underlying cause. To determine the cause of this uncomfortable feeling in your feet, see your primary care physician, who can take your medical history, examine you and perform the necessary tests. This is a common root to be compressed in spinal stenosis. The soles of the foot receive their nerve supply from the first sacral root (S1). When this condition is to blame, arthritis causes overgrowth of the bone that surrounds the nerves as they exit the spinal cord and run into your legs. Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal. People often consume more than one of these drinks a day and may also take vitamin B-6 supplements. For this reason, energy drinks that contain significant amounts of B-6, such as 5-Hour Energy and Red Bull, should be avoided. Some over-the-counter supplements and energy drinks contain very large amounts of vitamin B-6, so it’s not that hard to get too much-more than 25 mg of vitamin B-6 per day may be dangerous. Vitamin B-12 deficiency or excess levels of vitamin B-6 also can lead to peripheral neuropathy.

In the US, the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy include nerve damage caused by diabetes…heavy alcohol use…and medications, including certain chemotherapy drugs, cholesterol-lowering statins and fluoroquinolone antibiotics, such as levofloxacin (Levaquin). While this condition often causes numbness, weakness and pain, it can also lead to tingling that often feels like “pins and needles.” Peripheral neuropathy is a generalized nerve disorder. The two most common culprits are peripheral neuropathy and lumbar spinal stenosis. There are a number of reasons that you could be experiencing this unpleasant feeling on the soles of your feet. I’ve recently begun experiencing “pins and needles” on the soles of my feet.