I take it as a way of saying “don’t lose your shit over nothing” or to “focus on what matters” rather than flying off the handle at minor shit in your everyday life. “Don’t die for free” was a phrase that rang true to me. Don’t sleep on what is being said though, as this is one of those instances where a deeper wisdom lurks below a lot of the bravado and laughter. I mean, it does appear drugs may be in play in some circumstances, and the fact that several folks are clearly working over a large bottle of Hennessy doesn’t help matters either. I’ll shoot straight with you, it’s easy to dismiss these guys. It’s been stated several times in the OR that “If you see that patient stretcher in the hall, HEH, know we’re in the room going hard.” This is followed up with an enthusiastic “BING BONG,” which intentionally or not has become the official battle cry for these videos as far as we are concerned. So many sayings are uttered every day, from chatting online with other Sneerists to just general talk within my workplace. These are like The Avengers of CI, all coming together when the city needs them most to single-handedly do more for the tourism industry than anything else I’ve seen. Three larger than life heroes of the streets. There are a lot of other characters in these brief clips, but these three sit front and center to me. His true highlight comes at the end of CI clip #2, as a woman who really doesn’t seem to want another shot is most generously offered with a continual “You wanna shot? You wanna shot? You wanna shot?” Despite the sincerity oozing from him, she still manages to decline as we see her wagging her finger as if to get across “Sir, I have had enough shots already and do not desire more.” He adds the iconic phrase “Fuck Ya Life” between each food offering, demonstrating that while he is willing to feed you he may not care about your well being beyond that. We first see him working a hot grill, cooking up everything from burgers to chicken to glizzys (hot dogs). A source of energy so great that if extracted it could probably run the entire globe for years to come. He peppers it with an “I miss you” at the end that alludes to what was perhaps a former love affair. What he has to offer to us ranges from the ridiculous (“If you see this hard hat in your crib, heh, know I’m in her ribs!”) to the incredibly insightful (“Don’t die for free.”) My personal highlight of his is a heartfelt offer for Ariana Grande to come visit him in CI and take a spin on the Cyclone. Yes, like a construction worker… only I assume the only thing he’s building is a tally of sexual partners. Hard Hat Guy: A brash and confident young man who may or may not be wearing a shirt, but is frequently seen with a hard hat on. The nature of the clips makes it a bit hard to summarize, but I feel I should speak on a few key characters: I hope you can watch these right now yourself. Open drinking in the streets, hard hats, liberal use of the word fuck, glizzys, and a level of chaos I had never experienced were drawn up and injected directly into my brain. Amandoll herself presented the link to me (apparently, I am finding out, courtesy of AlexT), and you have to believe me when I tell you that what I saw over the next 60 seconds completely changed my shit up FOR GOOD. So imagine my surprise when after watching a total of three minutes worth of videos I am planning to make a side trip to Coney during a New York trip next year. The fact that crime tends to be taking place in those circumstances doesn’t do much for me as far as temptation to book a flight.
To tell you the truth, I feel like I haven’t seen much of it outside of the occasional movie or TV show. I’ve never had a desire to go to Coney Island before.